Sunday, 5 January 2014 - Books for Skeptics

I've now got 3 unused credits on

Can anyone recommend any good audio books for my long commute.

The selections for Skepticism and Atheism are seriously under represented.

Search Audible for: 
Skeptic... 6 Matches
Atheism... 10 Matches
Freethought... 0 Matches
Bertrand Russell... 9 Matches
Carl Sagan... 1 Match

Chakras... 28 Matches
Prayer... 194 Matches
Miracles... 171 Matches
Ghosts... 498 Matches
Jesus... 379 Matches
Fairies... 365 Matches
Deepak Chopra... 86 Matches

It makes me so sad that Deepak Chopra beats Carl Sagan 86 to 1

At least Science beats Religion 692 to 206