Friday, 17 August 2012

Skepticule Extra Podcast #30

Skepticule Extra Podcast #30

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The Skepticule Extra Podcast #30 is out NOW.Featuring a Deconstruction of the Debate by Dr. Hugh Ross and Prof. Lewis Wolpert - (Is there a case for a cosmic creator). Exposing the deliberate dishonesty of Creationists.  
Also,  a day out at Bletchley Park to celebrate Alan Turing's Birthday.

Skepticule Extra shownotes for episode 030 20120701

This is the thirtieth episode of Skepticule Extra — otherwise known as the podcast of the Pauline Triad.

Paul Baird
Patient and Persistent

Paul Thompson ("Sinbad") 
The Skeptical Probe

Paul S. Jenkins
Notes from an Evil Burnee

    Send feedback to, write a review oniTunes or post a comment below. There is also a Skepticule Extra Forum for further discussion of topics covered in the show (plus other topics). Follow the link to try out the forum. Skepticule Extra is a production of Willowsoft CommunicationsCreative Commons License Skepticule Extra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License
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