Tuesday 2 January 2018

Homeopathy - Amazon Echo -vs- Google Home

We have a problem...

I asked Alexa "Alexa, Does Homeopathy really work?"

Alexa replied: "I'm not sure" 

... which is fine, a bit non-committal, possibly she's apprehensive about being dragged into a heated debate.  Perhaps she'll sound me out, test the waters before she gives an answer I'll approve of.

So I asked Google.

"Hey Google, Does Homeopathy really work?"

Google replied:
"Homeopathic remedies do really work. There are some problems in which Homeopathy is the best alternative, leaving no side effects as those of the 'so-called' modern medicines."

Does anyone have the emergency hot-line number for Michael Marshall?

I found this a little unsettling so I asked Microsoft Cortana:

"Cortana, Does Homeopathy really work?"

Cortana replied:
"Sound of China Guzheng Music is formed by gu-zheng lovers. We are dedicated to promote the music of this beautiful Chinese zither in..."


  1. Update...
    It Looks like Google's vast AI engine decided that a reader's comment (Chetan from Kathmandu, Nepal) on the BBC News Website was the most suitable answer for this question.


  2. I got the same result from Google. Wow.

  3. It Looks like Google's vast AI engine decided that a reader's comment (Chetan from Kathmandu, Nepal) on the BBC News Website was the most suitable answer for this question.

